I have been reading a lot of posts, articles, and blogs from those of you going through the transition I went through 15 years ago, and can deeply relate to the hurt, sadness, and anger many of you are feeling. I want to share some of my experiences on the other side of this transition to try and help take some of the mystery out of the equation. Just as the It Gets Better movement has done for LGBT kids, I want you to know that it can get better for postacs too. Having gone through this change and knowing what life can be like on the other side, I share the fears iI had out of a feeling of solidarity and caring, knowing how difficult the transition you are making can be.
Fear #1: I will regret my decision.
Will you have doubts? Yes. Will you question yourself? Absolutely! But, the thing about leaving an adjunct position behind is that it will always be there for you if you want it back. Maybe not that exact job, but I am pretty confident that, should you change your mind, you can get back on the treadmill. This has taken the regret out of the equation for me.
Fear #2: I won't fit in.
At first, you will feel like a bit of an outsider, at least I did. But what I know now is that it wasn't because I was a former academic. It was because I was new to the company. Once I started working with people, finding things in common with others, I began making friendships. And if you are thoughtful about picking the right cultural fit (which I will be writing about in a future post), this will be even easier for you.
Fear #3: I will hate it.
There will be days when you hate your job, but if there aren't days that you hate academia, you probably wouldn't be reading this. Your job search will be critical for you to make sure that you don't land in something you hate. The difference here is that you will have a lot more options than you have today. And, if you do end up hating it, you can always change jobs later.
Fear #4: I will be judged as a quitter.
To quote my favorite intellectual, RuPaul, "what other people think about you is none of your business." If someone judges you because of your career choices, are they really someone you want to spend your time worrying about?
Fear #5: I will feel like a quitter.
Many, many, many of you are talking about "quitting." I want you to STOP THAT RIGHT NOW! You aren't a quitter; you are a strong and intelligent person who had insight into the facts, weighed the options and are deciding to pursue other interests. You aren't quitting; you are GROWING! And, once you land that job and see how people appreciate you and call you "whip smart," you will see how much you are growing.
A teen posted on the It Gets Better website that coming out "was really hard but I made sure that I surrounded myself with people that I knew I could trust." I hope you see her as a brave inspiration. You are also part of a movement and a community of postacs, and, like the It Gets Better campaign, we should harness "the power of an ever-growing chorus of voices that banded together to share messages of positivity." There are many people to support and help you. You are not alone.
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