As I was going through interview prep with a client recently, it hit me that this trick would be great for post-academic candidates as they ready themselves for interviews. Here's why:
- Leveraging a strength: Given that most PhDs require extensive written communications, writing out answers before hand is a great way to leverage an existing strength.
- Calming the nerves: knowing that, if you absolutely have a complete brain dump, there is a written account of what to say can be quite reassuring!
- Checking for STARs: are the answers clearly sharing the situation or task, the actions taken and the result? This is easier to find in the written word.
- Abilit to "hear" yourself: reading answers is a lot easier to interpret than hearing yourself as you rehearse in the mirror. (Although I recommend doing this, as well).
- Ability to edit - point 1: it might be awkward to rehearse an interview with someone, but a friend or coach can easily read written responses and help refine them.
- Ability to edit - point 2: since I am finding that many of my clients struggle with filtering as much as I do, writing out answers gives candidates a chance to look through an answer and make sure they aren't over sharing. Culling out anything too personal will help prepare the candidate with what NOT to say, as well as what to cover.
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